Iridology is the study of the patterns and markings in the iris of the eye. These markings reveal your body's inherent strengths and weaknesses as well as personality traits.
Parveen is a certified Level I and II practitioner of iridology from the Joyful Living Services School, an IIPA (International Iridology Practitioners Association) Sanctioned School of Iridology. She is currently completing her final level III comprehensive training. She has been practicing iridology for over three years. An iridology reading is an excellent tool to inform treatment for wellness and health.
Your first visit:
During your one-hour consultation you can expect the following:
An iridology reading is only as good as its picture. During our consultation, I will be taking a macro picture of both irises. You will also receive a copy of the image.
I provide remote consultations and you may submit an image of your iris. It is very important to have a focused and clear image to complete a quality reading. Please follow the instructions provided at this link to take a picture of your iris.
It is important to remember that iridology is not a diagnosis but rather will reveal your body's strengths and weaknesses and where they are being manifested in the body.
A consultation is an hour long. We will discuss your markings and strategies to make positive changes in your lifestyle.
Yes, markings in the iris can change over time. This can happen for a variety of reasons. The most common is a change in the autonomic wreath or microbiome health due to lowered levels of toxicity and inflammation in the body. When comparing pictures they must be compared under the same light conditions.
Yes, iridology can be completed on children. It is important that the child is comfortable and able to sit with a focused stare in order to take a picture.
In person at Greenwood Lake Yoga in Greenwood Lake, NY
Please email at for a free consult.
Greenwood Lake, New York, United States
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The opinions, products, and statements expressed by Parveen’s Path are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for medical advice. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Please consult a physician or other health care professional for your specific health care